BMX Skate Parks
With the popularity of BMX riders using skate parks on the rise, demand for stand-alone BMX facilities is also increasing.
What’s the difference between a skate park for BMX riders and one for skateboards and scooters? It’s mostly about the size of the modules. While some of our standard skate ramp modules are large, BMX modules can be much larger. The design and construction of the modules is essentially the same, just on a larger scale.
Is a stand-alone BMX skate park really necessary? Can’t BMXs, skateboards and scooters share the same space? Even with smaller modules, they can, however, safety can be a concern. The speed of BMX riders and the height they can jump can cause conflicts and is the reason why many councils are choosing to build stand-alone facilities.
Skateramps Australia’s modular skate ramps are found in many local council skate parks across Australia. We are the preferred supplier of many councils, due to our reputation for quality, adherence to Australian engineering standards and guidelines, and our professional service.
We can help your council design a BMX skate park that will be a focus of the community and will become a valuable facility for members of your community, young and old!